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Fleet Administration Fee

April 1, 2015

Transportation and Traffic Management (TTM) oversees the university's Vehicle Acquisition and Use Policy, coordinates vehicle insurance for approximately 965 vehicles operated by the university (including WMC, branch campuses and Extension), and reports data to government agencies as required by Ohio and Federal law. In 2006, the university was mandated by the State of Ohio (1) to provide detailed data on university vehicles, including an annual report to certify the university fleet activity data. In 2010, the university was mandated by the United States Department of Energy (2) to comply with the EPAct of 19922, (which requires a percentage of acquired vehicles to comply with alternative fuel provisions) and to provide an annual report of fleet activities.

In an effort to cover the costs associated with these mandated state and federal services, an annual fee per vehicle of $200 will be assessed to individual departments beginning July 1, 2015.

The annual fee will cover the cost of maintaining records and reporting activity to the various agencies in order to maintain compliance with policy oversight and government requirements and support the services of TTM Fleet Management. This fee will also go toward upgrading and maintaining the Fleet Management software and assist with annual support maintenance funding. The fee will be reevaluated each fiscal year based on the reporting requirements and the number of vehicles in the fleet. Beginning July 1, 2015, the fee will be assessed evenly to all vehicles in the vehicle inventory.

If you need a listing of vehicles or have any questions, please contact John Marlow, Fleet Manager, at 614-247-7808 or at

  1. ORC 125.832
  2. 42 U.S. Code §§13251, 13257, and 13258