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Reminder: CABS 23-24 Service Changes

As previously shared in April 2023, Campus Area Bus Service (CABS) routes will look different for fall semester. The Cannon Drive Relocation – Phase 2 project closes Cannon through 2024 and CABS will be rerouted.

Beginning August 20, the Campus Connector (CC) will provide service between Carmenton, including a new stop at Mount Hall, Ohio Union and the Transit Hub before it returns back along the same route. Through late September 2023, Campus Loop South (CLS) will continue to use Cannon Drive due to the continued closure of the John Herrick Drive and Cannon Drive intersection. Once the intersection opens, the Campus Loop South (CLS) will provide service between the Buckeye Lot and Ohio Union via Olentangy River Road and there will be no service to Drake Union. Riders can instead use the CABS On-Demand service from this location. 

Construction phasing schedules may impact timing, so continue to review the Transportation and Traffic Management website for updates.